Go Baguio! Your Complete Guide to Baguio City, Philippines

Currency Converter

Traveling to another country and getting used to converting their currency to your own (to determine whether your within budget, or to check if you are getting a great deal or not) can be very confusing if the exchange rate has several digits and a decimal point.

For example, converting US$25 to PHP at the exhange rate of, say, US1.00:PHP41.73 is not very easy to do without any help so we have included a currency converter calculator for you. It comes in handy when hotel rates are quoted in Philippine Pesos, for example.

How to use the Currency Converter:

1. Just type in the amount you wish to convert.

2. Select currency to be converted.

3. Then select the currency you want to convert to from the list of all the world currencies.

4. The result will be automatically displayed at the bottom.

4. You can also click the arrow to reverse your currency options.
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